Email Marketing or WhatsApp Marketing? Which One Should You Opt For?

Bilal Chaglani
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Businesses would need to look to WhatsApp seriously as a marketing channel.

We are observed hopping between several chat platforms today numerous times a day since we are addicted to them. We can easily stay in touch with our friends, family, and coworkers thanks to these platforms. They have also given businesses new ways to contact with clients and keep in touch with them throughout the entire purchasing process.

The best conversational channels are being used by marketers to communicate with customers,nurture leads, and advertise their products with timely offers.

Both companiesand clients stand to win greatly. Customers benefit from customised andhassle-free purchasing experiences while businesses have reduced costs andimproved client interaction chances. The finest thing is that shoppers mayeasily get in touch with their favourite brands.

One cannot disregard WhatsApp when discussing conversational routes of communication. WhatsApp is a lucrative channel for marketers to examine simply because it hasover 2 billion monthly users. This is mostly due to

  1. WhatsApp messages are opened with a rate of 99%.
  2. Customers are more likely to reply to WhatsApp messages because it's an immediate messaging service rather than emails or anyother kind of correspondence.
  3. An average user is estimated to open WhatsApp 23–25 times each day and utilise it for 38 minutes each day.

While WhatsApp is rapidly gaining popularity, many businesses are still using email as their primary form of communication. One of the most discussed and hotly contested marketing concerns of the present day is the use of WhatsApp vs. email marketing.

Which is better, email or WhatsApp, is a question that any company with a desire to modernise and rework its marketing strategy frequently finds itself asking.

In this article,we will compare WhatsApp marketing vs email marketing honestly so that you candecide which platform would work best for your company. Let's start now.

  1. What is Email Marketing?
  2. What is WhatsApp Marketing?
  3. What distinguishes email and WhatsApp from each other?
  4. What marketing channel is better for yourcompany, email or WhatsApp?

What is Email Marketing?

The use of emailas a channel for product and service promotion is known as email marketing. Despite the widespread perception that email is dead, users are still using it.

A simple and economical method of contacting potential consumers is via email. You may design and distribute targeted messages using email. Nevertheless, as people have a poor tolerance for spam or useless content that is sent to them too frequently, it is crucial to avoid overusing the channel.

There is no way to undo the damage caused by having your emails marked as spam once it hashappened. Your emails will fall through the gaps and not be seen by your target audience, negating the effect that you wanted your email marketing campaigns tohave.

Let’s now look at the advantages of using email marketing. 

Pros of using email marketing

  1. Email marketing is cost-effective whencompared to other channels of marketing. You do not have to spend on printing,advertising, or branding space costs.
  2. It's a fantastic platform for sendingindividualised and targeted communications.
  3. Email marketing is flexible; it can be appliedto larger or more narrowly focused audiences.
  4. You may interact with clients using emailmarketing since they enjoy hearing from you. People on your email marketinglist who actively shown interest in getting emails from you will make up yourlist.
  5. By include attachments, gifs, or videos, emailmarketing gives you the chance to make your material pertinent and consistentwith your brand character.

Cons of email marketing

  1. There is no assurance that clients willreceive your emails because there is a good probability that promotional materialwill end up in the spam or garbage bin.
  2. Customers have a high likelihood ofdisregarding your emails because they receive hundreds of them every day fromdifferent DTC brands.
  3. Making your emails stand out to readersrequires creativity. Due of the limited design flexibility of email, this couldtake up a significant amount of your time.

 What is Whats App Marketing?

It's interesting to note that, when comparing email and WhatsApp, the latter is a relative newcomer yet has been rapidly gaining ground among both businesses andconsumers. The practise of promoting your goods and services on a well-known platform is known as WhatsApp marketing.

There are three different versions of the app: the standard WhatsApp, which is designed for personal communication; the limited-featured WhatsApp Business App for entrepreneurs and small business owners; and the WhatsApp Business API, whichwas introduced to meet the expanding communication needs of medium- and large-sized businesses.

Businesses of all stripes can rapidly connect with thousands of opted-in customers throughWhatsApp, engage in real-time conversations with them, share marketing content, and encourage potential customers to make a purchase. Because WhatsApp isexpressly made to bring businesses and customers closer together through tailored chats, it presents enormous opportunity for marketers.

Now let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of WhatsApp marketing to email.

Pros of using WhatsApp Marketing

  1. The platform used by WhatsApp is quite secure.WhatsApp's end-to-end encryption of all conversations ensures that users' datais protected to high standards.
  2. You can provide immediate client care andsupport thanks to it. Connecting with clients has never been simpler forbusinesses. Businesses can respond to customer inquiries right away withWhatsApp.
  3. WhatsApp is a very interesting channel. GIFs,emoticons, and audio or video material are just a few ways that users caninject some humour and creativity into their communications.
  4. You may strengthen your relationships withclients by using WhatsApp. Customers who interact with brands on WhatsApp feelmore connected, heard, and understood. To handle FAQs and product-relatedinquiries, you can configure automated responses and rapid replies.
  5. It is the perfect platform for boosting salesand conversion rates. Compared to other channels, WhatsApp messages have thehighest response rate from customers. You may entice customers and entice themback to your stores by sending timely communications to announce new productlaunches, recover abandoned carts, and provide new discounts and deals.

 Cons of WhatsApp Marketing

  1. Companies must abide by the tight rules andnorms that WhatsApp has established.
  2. You have 24 hours after receiving a messagefrom a customer to get back to them. If you don't, you can only reply to themusing WhatsApp template messages, which WhatsApp must first authorise beforesending to users.

What distinguishes email and WhatsApp from each other?

The primary distinction between email and whatsapp is the speed of communication and the likelihood that your communications may be marked as spam or junk.

Additionally, we thoroughly compared SMS marketing to WhatsApp marketing. To find out what'sbest for your business, read the Blog:

Email vs WhatsApp marketing: What's best for your business?

We have done thelegwork and presented the fundamental distinctions between WhatsApp and email, along with their advantages and disadvantages. Now it's up to you to decide which channel would best help your marketing efforts after taking your company's demands and goals into account.

In all honesty, WhatsApp is your greatest option if you're seeking for quick and efficient waysto communicate with customers and increase revenue.

You will have theability to scale your company operations, connect with thousands of opted-inclients, and build trusting connections with them thanks to the WhatsApp Business API on BotSpace.

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