WhatsApp Broadcast

Integrating the WhatsApp Business API can significantly enhance your customer communication strategy.

Mayur Morè
Mayur Morè
August 23, 2024
WhatsApp Broadcast

WhatsApp bulk messages are normally ‘one-to-many’ or ‘broadcast’ type of messages that are sent using the broadcast feature

Bilal Chaglani
Bilal Chaglani
February 2, 2022
WhatsApp Broadcast

With WhatsApp API, you can send between 1000 to unlimited bulk messages in a day.

Bilal Chaglani
Bilal Chaglani
November 18, 2023
WhatsApp Broadcast

Both traditional SMS messaging and WhatsApp, an alternative, will be discussed in this conversation.

Ahmed Karim
Ahmed Karim
January 31, 2023
WhatsApp Broadcast

Only companies using WhatsApp Business Solutions have access to the WhatsApp auto-reply feature.

Bilal Chaglani
Bilal Chaglani
April 8, 2023
WhatsApp Broadcast

WhatsApp broadcast lists are an effective way to engage with your audience and deliver targeted messages.

Ahmed Karim
Ahmed Karim
March 18, 2023